Camp Watchme is a camp designed for children with primary lymphedema hosted by Brylan's Feat Foundation. It allows children who are born with lymphedema to experience the summer camp experience while receiving treatment from certified lymphedema therapists twice a day. Their parents receive education on the different parts of complete decongestive therapy while the kids get to have lots of fun. Adult volunteers who have lymphedema are a part of the camp to act as role models for the kids.
Camp Watchme was held at the YMCA camp of the Rockies in Estes State Park in Colorado. We were surrounded by beautiful scenery and wildlife!
This year Kelly and I had the opportunity to attend the camp as certified lymphedema therapists. We were each assigned a child with primary lymphedema. We provided treatment to these kiddos twice a day for 1 hour each. During this time we implemented the gold standard of lymphedema treatment: complete decongestive therapy (manual lymph drainage, compression bandaging/garments, skin care, and exercise). We also taught these kiddo's parents about different aspects of treatment during this daily routine.
It wasn't all work though! During the day we were participating in fun activities with the kids while parents were in educational sessions. Some of the activities included; hiking, rock climbing, ropes course, swimming, horseback riding, tie dyeing, and lip synch battles!
Overall, we had an amazing experience learning how to treat pediatric primary lymphedema from experts in our field. Including Guenter Klose from Klose training! Yes, that is him behind me on a horse!
So how can you help out this great foundation? Donate! All of the 1st year campers and their parents attend the camp for FREE! Including lodging, meals, and activities. So if you are ever wondering where you can donate to a worthy cause it is definitely Brylan's Feat Foundation.
Kelly and I are so grateful that we got this opportunity and that working at Be Strong allows us to do things like this!